Those People

Those people! Do you know them? Those who always seem to be there somewhere, anywhere, just lurking like some kind of evil predator. They may not be what you think of. They sometimes dress in the best outfits, drive the fanciest cars, have the smoothest kinds of conversations. They seem to know all and are always eager to give a listening ear before you call. They are sometimes sweet, considerate, cheerful, a people’s person. They could also be rugged in appearance, mannerism and attitude, but their charisma is overwhelming. Deep down inside, they’re rotten. Deadly vipers. Waiting for the opportunity to pounce and destroy. They catch you unaware. You fall in their trap so easily, you don’t even realize that you’ve been caught. They deceive with their presence. The weaker among us latches on easily, because their self esteem may be so low, they enjoy the high that these companions provide, and are fooled into believing they genuinely care. They are cunning. They provide all the right atmosphere to trap you and blindly, you gravitate towards them like a moth to a flame. Your insecurities are no more in their presence. Sometimes, you are even bold enough to morph into their personalities. They feed your ego and you soar with the new found freedom because it makes you feel alive.

But be very careful. They will leave you high and dry as long as things are convenient for them. They will move on to another prey. Your attention no longer needed you are left in the dark. Your calls go unanswered. Your presence is no longer welcomed. You feel worse than you did before they came along and go down into an abyss of no return. The feeling of importance shoved aside, you feel dejected. Your world begins to crash around you because you never stood on your own to begin with. You were only able to stand when they were around. Those people never cared about you. They never loved you. They only used you because that’s what they do. They now know of all your business good and bad and now they’re going to use it against you. You fell for their ploy, another pawn in their game. You’re left hopeless and helpless because you devoted everything to them, like a god, they became your idol.

You should turn away from these people. Psalm 5:9 say “There is nothing reliable in what they say; Their inward part is destruction itself Their throat is an open grave; They flatter with their tongue”. Run away from these people. They seek only your death. Listen closely when someone is speaking and you can discern who they really are. Build up yourself instead of allowing others to build you up. Learn to love yourself for who you are and who God made you to be. Find yourself involved in meaningful things that bring lasting satisfaction to you so you can be strengthened. Seek the Lord, He will build you up. Spend time finding out who you are and what you like, you might just be surprised there’s a butterfly beneath the folds of that cocoon.

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